The Slumberless Slumber Party

IMG_0114My almost 6 year old had her first slumber party last night… (Yaay!!) At our house. (Uhh…)

I fully admit that when I agreed to host this, not even 48 hours beforehand, I did not in any way, shape or form, accurately recall what slumber parties were actually like with 5-7 year olds…until all girls (5) were assembled, squealing and jumping on the couch and my fearless husband said, “Good luck” as he very rapidly closed the door behind him and headed/sprinted upstairs never to be seen again all night. Oy.

But all in all, they had a great time! I mean how could they not? A room full of seemingly “limitless” snacks, dress up clothes galore, your best friends, nail polish, and only one adult present who you suspect could possibly be shelf shocked and therefore, not fully capable of handling the pure insanity you know you and said best friends are about to evoke. What’s not to love, right?

IMG_0113Well, if you’ve ever met me you know that no event that I am entrusted with can ever be simple. “It just can’t.” (Yes, quoting Frozen) Sooo, on the docket for this all-important first event were: Lots of snacks (even snuck in carrots & cucumbers successfully), dress-up, sing-a-long time w/ a pink mic, nail painting, story time, and special showings of: Berestain Bears- Slumber Party and Gigi, God’s Little Princess- Slumber Party. Then in the morning it was “sleeping in” until 7:30 then play time, fruit and yogurt cups, chalk drawing outside and finally a special brunch for all the girls and their mommies. Annnd now I’m dead.

IMG_0119But my little extraverted first born had the time of her life. She told me this morning, “Mommy!! This was so awesome! I didn’t sleep at all, I just lay here smiling and looking at my friends!” I just realized that sounds totally creepy, but she was SO happy to be with her favorite people under a fairy tent all night that she didn’t (supposedly) sleep a wink. Mission accomplished! 🙂

Annnd now it’s time to go out for dinner (yeeeah, not cookin’) and then bury myself in a hot bubble bath and speak to no one for the remainder of the evening.

Signing off,

Introverted Mommy of little princesses

One thought on “The Slumberless Slumber Party

  1. Yay! Knowing you as I do, you enjoyed every second of planning and doing it all. Way to go super mom!

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